Student Art


Tony Khan

Buddy is 5 feet tall and weighs 275 pounds. Buddy lives in Buddy's World. Buddy's World is located in the Landel galaxy. Buddy has a brother named Kilborn. Kilborn lives at Kilbournos, the 3rd planet from the red sun of the Landel galax y. Buddy eats trees and drinks water from waterfalls. He's a part-time comedian working on Fridays at the Laugh Shack in Buddy's World. Kilborn has a TV show broadcasted here called "The Daily Show." Buddy has appeared on the show twice along with his wi fe Budina and their children Dundee, Axel, and Dave. Kilborn and Buddy were born of Brucio and Ann. Buddy is a year older. Buddy's favorite thing besides comedy is fighting. He and Kilborn also make a second living under masks wrestling as the Masked Bird s.

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