Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius

Student Art


Ben Leff

The Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius resides in South America. It was discovered by explorer Juwan B. Kardiph. Kardiph was exploring the area for oil when he came upon the strange crested bird.

In truth his humble helper discovered the bird. Then Kardiph called first dibs on it, and got to name it. He, not being selfish at all, named it Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius.

The Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius has a multi-colored crest and a short stubby body. It's body feathers are a strange shade of brown, so it may blend in to the the trees of the French Guinean forests.

It feeds on grasss and bugs. The Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius makes an obscure call to catch the bugs. It sounds like "Cummoomeebugz." After many years of studying, scientissts can still not determine what it is trying to say. It is a mystery.

The bugs hear the call and scramble to meet "Jwanabee." This is the meal for the day for our fine feathered friend.

It seems to be a successful species, bu since no person that is not looking for oil goes down there, we don't really know. However we know the Jahwannuhbeius Kardiphius is a cute little bird that is worth existing.

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